Monte Carlo Observers

class clease.montecarlo.observers.AcceptanceRate[source]

Observer that tracks the fraction of monte carlo steps that is accepted

get_averages() Dict[str, float][source]

Return dictionary with the rate such that it is added to thermodynaic quantities

property rate: float

Acceptance rate


Reset the observer

class clease.montecarlo.observers.ConcentrationObserver(atoms: Atoms, element: str)[source]

Observer that can be attached to a MC run, to track the concenctration of a particular element. This observer has to be executed on every MC step.


atoms: Atoms object

Atoms object used for MC

element: str

The element that should be tracked

calculate_from_scratch(atoms: Atoms) float[source]

Calculate the concentration of the element in the atoms object.

get_averages() Dict[str, float][source]

Return averages in the form of a dictionary.

interval_ok(interval: int) bool[source]

Every step must be observed, as otherwise we’d miss updates, and the concentration becomes incorerct.

new_concentration(system_changes: Sequence[SystemChange]) float[source]

Calculate the new consentration after the changes.

observe_step(mc_step: MCStep, peak: bool = False) float[source]

Observe on a MCStep object. Defaults to __call__(system_changes) for compatibility reasons. Child classes overriding this function should therefore not call the super() version.

reset() None[source]

Reset the observer

class clease.montecarlo.observers.CorrelationFunctionObserver(calc, names=None)[source]

Track the history of the correlation function.


calc: clease.calculators.Clease

Clease calculator

names: list

List with correlation functions to track. If None, all correlation functions are tracked.


Return averages in the form of a dictionary.


Reset all values of the MC observer

class clease.montecarlo.observers.DiffractionObserver(atoms=None, k_vector=(), active_symbols=(), all_symbols=(), name='reflection1')[source]

Trace the reflection intensity.


atoms: Atoms

Atoms object used in Monte Carlo

k_vector: list

Fourier reflection to be traced

active_symbols: list

List of symbols that reflects

all_symbols: list

List of all symbols in the simulation

name: str

Name of the DiffractionObserver (users are given the freedom to set names because they can attach multiple DiffractionObserver instances)


Consider a system where Al, Mg and Si occupy FCC lattice sites. We want to trace the occurence of Mg layers that are separated by a distance 3*a where a is the lattice parameter. We further assume that the y-axis is normal to the planes we want to trace. In that case, we specify the variables as

>>> from import bulk
>>> import numpy as np
>>> a = 4.05
>>> atoms = bulk('Al', crystalstructure='fcc', a=a)
>>> k_vector = [0, 2.0*np.pi/(3*a), 0]
>>> active_elements = ['Mg']
>>> all_symbols = ['Al', 'Mg', 'Si']

If we do not wish to distinguish Mi and Si (we do not distiguish Mg layer, Si layer or a mixture of the two) the active_elements is changed to

>>> active_elements = ['Mg', 'Si']

Return averages in the form of a dictionary.


Check if the interval specified on attach is ok. Default is that all intervals are OK


interval – Interval controlling how often a MC observer will be called.


Reset all values of the MC observer

class clease.montecarlo.observers.EnergyEvolution(mc, ignore_reset=False)[source]

Trace the evolution of energy.


Reset the history.

save(fname: str = 'energy_evolution.csv') None[source]

Save the energy evolution in .csv file.


fname – File name of .csv file. Adds extension if none is given.

class clease.montecarlo.observers.EnergyPlotUpdater(energy_obs=None, graph=None, mean_plot=None)[source]
class clease.montecarlo.observers.EntropyProductionRate(buffer_length: int = 10000, logfile: str | Path = 'epr.txt')[source]

Tracks entropy production rate (EPR) using a Gallavotti-Cohen functional.

EPR = 1/N sum_{i=0}^N ln P(i -> j)/P(j -> i)

N is the number of steps of a path and P(i -> j) is the probability of going from state i to state j. The expression is exact in the limit N -> infty. However, this class tracks the terms inside the sum and write them to file. To calculate the time evolution of EPR one can use a windowed average of the resulting data.


[1] Gourgoulias, Konstantinos, Markos A. Katsoulakis, and Luc Rey-Bellet.

“Information criteria for quantifying loss of reversibility in parallelized KMC.” Journal of Computational Physics 328 (2017): 438-454.

  • buffer_length – Length of buffer used to temporarily store the terms in the sum in memory. When the buffer is full, it is flushed to a text file.

  • logfile – Filename of the file used when the buffer is flushed


Clear all information stored

update(current: int, choice: int, cumulative_rates: ndarray, swaps: List[int])[source]

Update the buffer

  • current – Current position of the vacancy

  • choice – Index into cumulative_rates that is chosen

  • cumulative_rates – Cumulative sum of the rates

  • swaps – Possible swaps

class clease.montecarlo.observers.LowestEnergyStructure(atoms: Atoms, track_cf: bool = False, verbose: bool = False)[source]

Track the lowest energy state visited during an MC run.

atoms: Atoms object

Atoms object used in Monte Carlo

track_cf: bool

Whether to keep a copy of the correlation functions for the emin structure. If enabled, this will be stored in the lowest_energy_cf variable. Defaults to False.

verbose: bool

If True, progress messages will be printed

property emin_results: dict

The results dictionary of the lowest energy atoms

property energy

The energy of the current atoms object (not the emin energy)

observe_step(mc_step: MCStep) None[source]

Check if the current state has lower energy and store the current state if it has a lower energy than the previous state.

mc_step: MCStep

Instance of MCStep with information on the latest step.

reset() None[source]

Reset all values of the MC observer

class clease.montecarlo.observers.MCObserver[source]

Base class for all MC observers.

Child observers should override the observe_step() method.

calculate_from_scratch(atoms: Atoms) None[source]

Method for calculating the tracked value from scratch (i.e. without using fast update methods)

get_averages() dict[source]

Return averages in the form of a dictionary.

interval_ok(interval: int) bool[source]

Check if the interval specified on attach is ok. Default is that all intervals are OK


interval – Interval controlling how often a MC observer will be called.

observe_step(mc_step: MCStep) None[source]

Observe on a MCStep object. Defaults to __call__(system_changes) for compatibility reasons. Child classes overriding this function should therefore not call the super() version.

reset() None[source]

Reset all values of the MC observer

class clease.montecarlo.observers.MoveObserver(base_atoms: Atoms, only_accept: bool = False)[source]

Store each step from an MC run to reconstruct the individual atoms objects later.

The interval must be set to 1 when attaching this observer, as otherwise steps may be lost and the reconstruction may end up being incorrect.

  • base_atoms (ase.Atoms) – The base atoms object which is run in the MC.

  • only_accept (bool, optional) – Selects whether the only accepted moves or all the attempted moves are saved. If False, every move will be saved. Defaults to False.

interval_ok(interval: int) bool[source]

Missing steps will result in incorrect reconstructions

observe_step(mc_step: MCStep) None[source]

Observe a single step

reconstruct() List[Atoms][source]

Rebuild the atoms objects as defined by the observed changes.

reconstruct_iter() Iterator[Atoms][source]

Iterator which builds the atoms objects 1-by-1.

reset() None[source]

Reset all values of the MC observer

class clease.montecarlo.observers.MultiStateSGCConcObserver(ref_state: SGCState, thermo_states: List[SGCState], calc: Clease)[source]

Observer that tracks the concentration at severl different temperatures and/or chemical potentials. The observer utilizes the following results. Let \(A\) be an observable, \(\beta=\frac{1}{kT}\), \(\mu\) the chemical potential and \(n\) the number of atoms of one of the species in a binary alloy. The average value of the observable is given by

\[\langle A \rangle = \frac{\sum_{conf} A \exp{(\beta\mu n - \beta E)}}{Z(\beta, \mu)}\]

where \(Z\) is the partition function. At a different chemical potential \(\mu\) and inverse temperature \(\beta'\),

\[\langle A'\rangle' = \frac{\sum_{conf} A \exp{(\beta'\mu'n-\beta' E)}}{Z(\beta', \mu')}\]

After some algabraic manipulation one arrives at

\[\langle A'\rangle' = \frac{\langle A \exp{((\beta'\mu' - \beta\mu)n - (\beta-\beta') E)\rangle}} {\langle \exp{((\beta'\mu' - \beta\mu)n - (\beta-\beta') E)\rangle}}\]

where the averages should be taken at inverse temperature \(\beta\) and chemical potential \(\mu\). It should be noted that the predicted value will not be accurate if \(\mu'\) or \(\beta'\) is very different from the reference values \(\mu\) and \(\beta\).

  • ref_state – Reference state

  • thermo_states – List of SGCStates where the concentration should be tracked

  • calc – Reference to the calculator attached to the atoms object used in the Monte Carlo simulation

get_averages() Dict[str, float][source]

Return a dictionary with the calculated averages

reset() None[source]

Resets the observers to its initial state

class clease.montecarlo.observers.SGCObserver(calc: Clease, observe_singlets: bool = False)[source]

Observer mainly intended to track additional quantities needed when running SGC Monte Carlo. This observer has to be executed on every MC step.


calc: clease.calculators.Clease

Clease calculator

observe_singlets: bool

Whether the singlet values of the calculator are measured during each observation. Measuring singlets is slightly more expensive, so this is disabled by default.

get_current_energy() float[source]

Return the current energy of the attached calculator object.


Check if the interval specified on attach is ok. Default is that all intervals are OK


interval – Interval controlling how often a MC observer will be called.

observe_step(mc_step: MCStep)[source]

Update all SGC parameters.


Reset all variables to zero.

class clease.montecarlo.observers.SGCState(temp: float, chem_pot: Dict[str, float])[source]

Represent a thermodynamic state in the semi-grand-canonical ensemble.

  • temp – Temperature in kelvin

  • chem_pot – Chemical potentials of the form {c1_0: -0.2, c1_1: 0.3}. The function is useful to convert chemical potentials given for each species to chemical potentials for each singlet.

property prefix: str

Construct a prefix based on the chemical potentials and the temperature

class clease.montecarlo.observers.SiteOrderParameter(atoms)[source]

Detect phase transitions by monitoring the average number of sites that are occupied by a different element from the initial structure. This observer has to be executed on every MC step.


atoms: Atoms object

Atoms object use for Monte Carlo


Get the average and standard deviation of the number of sites that are different from the initial state.


Check if the interval specified on attach is ok. Default is that all intervals are OK


interval – Interval controlling how often a MC observer will be called.


Resets the tracked data. (Not the original symbols array).

class clease.montecarlo.observers.Snapshot(atoms: Atoms, fname: str = 'snapshot.traj', mode: str = 'w')[source]

Store a snapshot in a trajectory file.

  • atoms – Instance of the atoms objected modofied by the MC object

  • fname – Name of the trajectory file. Adds extension ‘.traj’ if none is given.

  • mode – IO mode used by the ASE TrajectoryWriter (must be w or a)


Close the trajectory file.