from typing import Dict
import ase
from clease.datastructures import MCStep, SystemChanges
from clease.montecarlo.averager import Averager
from .mc_observer import MCObserver
class ConcentrationObserver(MCObserver):
Observer that can be attached to a MC run, to track the concenctration of a
particular element. This observer has to be executed on every MC step.
atoms: Atoms object
Atoms object used for MC
element: str
The element that should be tracked
name = "ConcentrationObserver"
def __init__(self, atoms: ase.Atoms, element: str):
self.element = element
self.n = len(atoms)
self.init_conc = self.calculate_from_scratch(atoms)
self.current_conc = self.init_conc
def new_concentration(self, system_changes: SystemChanges) -> float:
"""Calculate the new consentration after the changes."""
new_conc = self.current_conc
for change in system_changes:
if change.new_symb == self.element:
new_conc += 1.0 / self.n
if change.old_symb == self.element:
new_conc -= 1.0 / self.n
return new_conc
def __call__(self, system_changes: SystemChanges, peak: bool = False) -> float:
"""Implement the __call__ method to work with the BiasPotentials"""
if not system_changes:
# No changes, None or some other falsey thing.
return self.current_conc
new_conc = self.new_concentration(system_changes)
if peak:
return new_conc
self.current_conc = new_conc
self.avg_conc += new_conc
self.avg_conc_sq += new_conc**2
return self.current_conc
def observe_step(self, mc_step: MCStep, peak: bool = False) -> float:
if mc_step.move_rejected:
return self.current_conc
return self(mc_step.last_move, peak=peak)
def reset(self) -> None:
"""Reset the observer"""
# Remake new average objects, since we also change the reference concentration
def _make_averagers(self) -> None:
"""Construct the internal averager objects. Starts with the current concentration
as the first sample."""
self.avg_conc = Averager(ref_value=self.current_conc)
self.avg_conc_sq = Averager(ref_value=self.current_conc**2)
# The current concentration is the first sample
self.avg_conc += self.current_conc
self.avg_conc_sq += self.current_conc**2
def get_averages(self) -> Dict[str, float]:
mean_conc = self.avg_conc.mean
var_conc = self.avg_conc_sq.mean - mean_conc**2
return {f"conc_{self.element}": mean_conc, f"conc_var_{self.element}": var_conc}
def calculate_from_scratch(self, atoms: ase.Atoms) -> float:
"""Calculate the concentration of the element in the atoms object."""
num_atoms = sum(atoms.symbols == self.element)
return num_atoms / len(atoms)
def interval_ok(self, interval: int) -> bool:
"""Every step must be observed, as otherwise we'd miss updates,
and the concentration becomes incorerct."""
return interval == 1