Source code for clease.montecarlo.trial_move_generator

from typing import Sequence, List, Set, Tuple, Dict
import random
from random import choice
from abc import abstractmethod, ABC
import numpy as np
from ase import Atoms
from import chemical_symbols
from clease.datastructures import SystemChange
from import flatten
from .constraints import MCConstraint
from .swap_move_index_tracker import SwapMoveIndexTracker

__all__ = (


class TooFewElementsError(Exception):
    Error that indicates that there are too few elements to perform a certain operation on
    an atoms object. An example is a Monte Carlo step at fixed concentrations which consists
    of swapping to atoms. If there are less than 2 different species in the Atoms object, it
    makes no sense to swap two atoms (all energies are equal)

[docs]class TrialMoveGenerator(ABC): """ Class for producing trial moves. :param max_attempts: Maximum number of attempts to try to find a move that passes the constraints. If not constraints are added, this has no effect. """ def __init__(self, max_attempts: int = DEFAULT_MAX_ATTEMPTS): super().__init__() self._constraints = [] self.max_attempts = max_attempts
[docs] def initialize(self, atoms: Atoms) -> None: """ Initialize the generator. :param atoms: Atoms object used in the simulation """
[docs] def remove_constraints(self) -> None: """ Remove all constraints """ self._constraints = []
@property def name(self): return type(self).__name__
[docs] def add_constraint(self, cnst: MCConstraint): """ Add a constraint to the generator :param cnst: Constraint that must be satisfied for all trial moves """ self._constraints.append(cnst)
def _change_ok(self, system_changes: Sequence[SystemChange]) -> bool: for cnst in self._constraints: if not cnst(system_changes): return False return True
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_single_trial_move(self) -> Sequence[SystemChange]: """ Return a single trial move, must be implemented in sub-classes """
[docs] def get_trial_move(self) -> Sequence[SystemChange]: """ Produce a trial move that is consistent with all cosntraints """ for _ in range(self.max_attempts): move = self.get_single_trial_move() if self._change_ok(move): return move raise RuntimeError(f"Can not produce a valid trial move in {self.max_attempts} attempts.")
[docs] def on_move_accepted(self, changes: Sequence[SystemChange]) -> None: """ Callback that is called by Monte Carlo after each accepted move :param change: Seqeunce of trial moves performed """
[docs] def on_move_rejected(self, changes: Sequence[SystemChange]) -> None: """ Callback that is called after a move is rejected :param change: Seqeunce of trial moves performed """
[docs]class SingleTrialMoveGenerator(TrialMoveGenerator, ABC): """ Interface class for generators that return only one type of trial moves """ CHANGE_NAME = None def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) if self.CHANGE_NAME is None: raise ValueError("Subclasses must set CHANGE_NAME")
[docs] def name_matches(self, change: SystemChange) -> bool: """ Return true of the name of the passed system change matches the CHANGE_NAME attribute. :param change: a system change """ return self.CHANGE_NAME ==
[docs] def made_changes(self, changes: Sequence[SystemChange]) -> List[SystemChange]: """ Extract the subset system changes made by an instance of itself. This method can be overrided in sublcasses, but the default behavior is to extract the subset of changes where the name matches. """ return [change for change in changes if self.name_matches(change)]
[docs]class RandomFlip(SingleTrialMoveGenerator): """ Generate trial moves where the symbol at a given site is flipped :param symbols: Set with all symbols considered in a move :param atoms: Atoms object for the simulation :param indices: List with all indices that should be considered. If None, all indices are considered """ CHANGE_NAME = "flip_move" def __init__(self, symbols: Set[str], atoms: Atoms, indices: List[int] = None, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.symbols = symbols self.atoms = atoms # Hold a direct reference to the numbers array self.numbers: np.ndarray = self.atoms.numbers # Verify it's the same array in memory assert self.numbers is atoms.numbers if indices is None: self.indices = list(range(len(self.atoms))) else: self.indices = indices # Pre-compute the possible flips. We don't want to be computing # these maps for each trial move. self.flip_map = self._make_possible_flips() def _make_possible_flips(self) -> Dict[str, List[str]]: """Compute a map of possible flips, given a site has a particular symbol.""" possible = {} for sym in self.symbols: possible[sym] = [s for s in self.symbols if s != sym] return possible
[docs] def get_single_trial_move(self) -> List[SystemChange]: """Get a random flip of an included site into a different element.""" pos = choice(self.indices) # Access to the numbers array of the atoms object is the # fastest way of determining a single symbol, by avoiding constructing the entire Symbols # array in atoms.symbols old_symb = chemical_symbols[self.numbers[pos]] flips = self.flip_map[old_symb] new_symb = choice(flips) return [SystemChange(pos, old_symb, new_symb, self.CHANGE_NAME)]
[docs]class RandomSwap(SingleTrialMoveGenerator): """ Produce random swaps :param atoms: Atoms object in the MC simulation :param indices: List with indices that can be chosen from. If None, all indices can be chosen. """ CHANGE_NAME = "swap_move" def __init__(self, atoms: Atoms, indices: List[int] = None, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.indices = indices self.tracker = SwapMoveIndexTracker(atoms, indices=indices) if self.tracker.num_symbols < 2: raise TooFewElementsError( "After filtering there are less than two symbol type left. " "Must have at least two." )
[docs] def get_single_trial_move(self) -> List[SystemChange]: """ Create a swap move """ symb_a, symb_b = self.tracker.get_two_random_symbols() rand_pos_a = self.tracker.get_random_indx_of_symbol(symb_a) rand_pos_b = self.tracker.get_random_indx_of_symbol(symb_b) return [ SystemChange(rand_pos_a, symb_a, symb_b, self.CHANGE_NAME), SystemChange(rand_pos_b, symb_b, symb_a, self.CHANGE_NAME), ]
[docs] def on_move_accepted(self, changes: Sequence[SystemChange]): self.tracker.update_swap_move(changes)
[docs] def is_tracked(self, index: int) -> bool: """Check if a given index is being tracked.""" return any(index in lst for lst in self.tracker.tracker.values())
[docs]class MixedSwapFlip(TrialMoveGenerator): """ Class for generating trial moves in a mixed ensemble. A subset of the sites should maintain a constant concentrations, and a subset should maintain constant chemical potential. Thus, for the subset of sites where the concentration should be fixed, swap moves are proposed and for the subset that should have constant chemical potentia, flip moves are probosed (e.g. switching symbol type on a site) :param atoms: Atoms object used in the simulation :param swap_indices: List of indices that constitue the sub-lattice that should have fixed concentration :param flip_indices: List of indices that constitute the sub-lattice that should have fixed chemical potential :param flip_symbols: List of possible symbols that can be substituted on the lattice with fixed chemical potential. :param flip_prob: Probability of returning a flip move. The probability of returning a swap move is then 1 - flip_prob. """ def __init__( self, atoms: Atoms, swap_indices: Sequence[int], flip_indices: Sequence[int], flip_symbols: Sequence[str], flip_prob: float = 0.5, **kwargs, ) -> None: super().__init__(**kwargs) self.swapper = RandomSwap(atoms, swap_indices) self.flipper = RandomFlip(flip_symbols, atoms, flip_indices) self.flip_prob = flip_prob self.initialize(atoms) @property def generators(self) -> Tuple[SingleTrialMoveGenerator]: return (self.flipper, self.swapper) @property def weights(self) -> Tuple[float]: """The probability weights for each generator""" return (self.flip_prob, 1.0 - self.flip_prob)
[docs] def initialize(self, atoms: Atoms) -> None: """ Initialize the trial move generator """ for gen in self.generators: gen.initialize(atoms)
[docs] def get_single_trial_move(self) -> Sequence[SystemChange]: """ Produce a single trial move. Return a swap move with probability """ gen = random.choices(self.generators, weights=self.weights, k=1)[0] return gen.get_single_trial_move()
[docs] def on_move_accepted(self, changes: Sequence[SystemChange]): """ Callback triggered when a move have been accepted. """ for gen in self.generators: gen_changes = gen.made_changes(changes) if gen_changes: gen.on_move_accepted(gen_changes)
[docs] def on_move_rejected(self, changes: Sequence[SystemChange]) -> None: """ Callback triggered when a move have been accepted. """ for gen in self.generators: gen_changes = gen.made_changes(changes) if gen_changes: gen.on_move_rejected(gen_changes)
[docs]class RandomFlipWithinBasis(SingleTrialMoveGenerator): """ Produce trial moves consisting of flips within each basis. Each basis is defined by a list of indices. Args: symbols: Sequence allowed symbols in each basis atoms: Atoms object to be used in the simulation for which the trial moves are produced indices: Sequence of sets of indices where each set specify the indices of a basis. Note len(symbols) == len(indices) Example: Create a generator for a rocksalt structure with two basis >>> from import bulk >>> from clease.montecarlo import RandomFlipWithinBasis >>> atoms = bulk("LiO", crystalstructure="rocksalt", a=3.9)*(3, 3, 3) >>> basis1 = [a.index for a in atoms if a.symbol == "Li"] >>> basis2 = [a.index for a in atoms if a.symbol == "O"] >>> generator = RandomFlipWithinBasis([["Li", "X"], ["O", "V"]], atoms, [basis1, basis2]) """ CHANGE_NAME = "flip_within_basis_move" def __init__( self, symbols: Sequence[Sequence[str]], atoms: Atoms, indices: Sequence[Sequence[int]] = None, **kwargs, ): super().__init__(**kwargs) if len(symbols) != len(indices): raise ValueError("Possible symbols must be specified for all basis.") if not _symbols_in_basis_are_unique(symbols): raise ValueError("Symbols within each basis must be unique") if not _index_occur_only_once(indices): raise ValueError("Each index can only occur in one basis and only once in each basis.") self._flippers = [RandomFlip(s, atoms, i) for s, i in zip(symbols, indices)]
[docs] def get_single_trial_move(self) -> Sequence[SystemChange]: """ Produce a trial move by choosing a random flipper """ flipper = random.choice(self._flippers) return flipper.get_single_trial_move()
def _symbols_in_basis_are_unique(nested_seq: Sequence[Sequence[str]]) -> bool: """ Check if all items in the sub-lists are unique. """ for sub in nested_seq: if len(sub) != len(set(sub)): return False return True def _index_occur_only_once(nested_seq: Sequence[Sequence[int]]) -> bool: flattened = flatten(nested_seq) return len(flattened) == len(set(flattened))