Source code for clease.evaluate

"""Module that fits ECIs to energy data."""
# pylint: skip-file
import os
import sys
import json
import logging as lg
import multiprocessing as mp
from typing import Dict, List, Sequence, Optional
from collections import defaultdict, Counter

from deprecated import deprecated
import numpy as np
from ase.db import connect
import threadpoolctl

from clease.settings import ClusterExpansionSettings
from clease.regression import LinearRegression
from clease.mp_logger import MultiprocessHandler
from import singlets2conc, get_ids, get_attribute
from clease.data_manager import make_corr_func_data_manager
from clease.cluster_coverage import ClusterCoverageChecker
from import (

__all__ = ("Evaluate", "supports_alpha_cv")

# Initialize a module-wide logger
logger = lg.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Evaluate: """ Evaluate RMSE/MAE of the fit and CV scores. :param settings: ClusterExpansionSettings object :param prop: str User defined property for the fit. The property should exist in database as key-value pairs. Default is ``energy``. :param cf_names: list Names of clusters to include in the evalutation. If None, all of the possible clusters are included. :param select_cond: tuple or list of tuples (optional) Custom selection condition specified by user. Default only includes "converged=True" and "struct_type='initial'". :param max_cluster_size: int maximum number of atoms in the cluster to include in the fit. If ``None``, no restriction on the number of atoms will be imposed. :param max_cluster_dia: float or int maximum diameter of the cluster (in angstrom) to include in the fit. If ``None``, no restriction on the diameter. Note that this diameter of the circumscribed sphere, which is slightly different from the meaning of max_cluster_dia in `ClusterExpansionSettings` where it refers to the the maximum internal distance between any of the atoms in the cluster. :param scoring_scheme: str should be one of 'loocv', 'loocv_fast' or 'k-fold' :param min_weight: float Weight given to the data point furthest away from any structure on the convex hull. An exponential weighting function is used and the decay rate is calculated as decay = log(min_weight)/min(sim_measure) where sim_measure is a similarity measure used to asses how different the structure is from structures on the convex hull. :param nsplits: int Number of splits to use when partitioning the dataset into training and validation data. Only used when scoring_scheme='k-fold' :param num_repetitions: int Number of repetitions used to use when calculating k-fold cross validation. The partitioning is repeated num_repetitions times and the resulting value is the average of the k-fold cross validation score obtained in each of the runs. """ def __init__( self, settings, prop="energy", cf_names=None, select_cond=None, parallel=False, num_core="all", fitting_scheme="ridge", alpha=1e-5, max_cluster_size=None, max_cluster_dia=None, scoring_scheme="loocv", min_weight=1.0, nsplits=10, num_repetitions=1, normalization_symbols: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, ): """Initialize the Evaluate class.""" if not isinstance(settings, ClusterExpansionSettings): msg = "settings must be ClusterExpansionSettings object" raise TypeError(msg) self.settings = settings self.prop = prop if cf_names is None: self.cf_names = sort_cf_names(self.settings.all_cf_names) else: self.cf_names = sort_cf_names(cf_names) self.num_elements = settings.num_elements self.scoring_scheme = scoring_scheme self.scheme = None self.nsplits = nsplits self.num_repetitions = num_repetitions # Define the selection conditions self.select_cond = [] if select_cond is None: self.select_cond = self.default_select_cond else: if isinstance(select_cond, list): self.select_cond += select_cond else: self.select_cond.append(select_cond) # Remove the cluster names that correspond to clusters larger than the # specified size and diameter. if max_cluster_size is not None: self.cf_names = self._filter_cname_on_size(max_cluster_size) if max_cluster_dia is not None: max_dia = self._get_max_cluster_dia(max_cluster_dia) self.cf_names = self._filter_cname_circum_dia(max_dia) tab_name = f"{}_cf" # TODO: At a later stage we might want to pass the data manager as an # argument since Evaluate does not depend on the details on how the # data was optained = make_corr_func_data_manager(self.prop, settings.db_name, tab_name, self.cf_names) self.cf_matrix, self.e_dft = self.row_ids = get_ids(self.select_cond, settings.db_name) with connect(settings.db_name) as db: cur = db.connection.cursor() self.names = get_attribute(self.row_ids, cur, "name", "text_key_values") self.effective_num_data_pts = len(self.e_dft) self.weight_matrix = np.eye(len(self.e_dft)) self._update_convex_hull_weight(min_weight) self.multiplicity_factor = self.settings.multiplicity_factor self.eci = None self.e_pred_loo = None self.parallel = parallel if parallel: if num_core == "all": self.num_core = int(mp.cpu_count() / 2) else: self.num_core = int(num_core) self.set_fitting_scheme(fitting_scheme, alpha) self._cv_scores = [] self.set_normalization(normalization_symbols)
[docs] def set_normalization(self, normalization_symbols: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None) -> None: """Set the energy normalization factor, e.g. to normalize the final energy reports in energy per metal atom, rather than energy per atom (i.e. every atom). :param normalization_symbols: A list of symbols which should be included in the counting. If this is None, then the default of normalizing to energy per every atom is maintained. """ self.normalization = np.ones(len(self.e_dft), dtype=float) if normalization_symbols is None: return # We need to figure out the ratio between the total number of atoms, and the number of # symbols we normalize to. # Energies are assumed to be in energy per atoms, i.e. normalized by the total number of # atoms in the initial cell, including vacancies. con = self.settings.connect() for ii, uid in enumerate(self.row_ids): row = con.get(id=uid) # Count the occurence of each symbol count = Counter(row.symbols) natoms = row.natoms new_total = sum(count.get(s, 0) for s in normalization_symbols) if new_total > 0: # If none of the requested species were found we do not adjust the normalization. self.normalization[ii] = natoms / new_total
@property def scoring_scheme(self) -> str: return self._scoring_scheme @scoring_scheme.setter def scoring_scheme(self, value: str) -> None: if not isinstance(value, str): raise TypeError(f"Scoring scheme should be string, got {value!r}") value = value.lower() allowed_schemas = {"loocv", "loocv_fast", "k-fold"} if value not in allowed_schemas: schemas_s = ", ".join(sorted(allowed_schemas)) raise ValueError(f"Unknown scoring scheme: {value}. Allowed schemas: {schemas_s}") self._scoring_scheme = value @property def concentrations(self): """ The internal concentrations normalised against the 'active' sublattices """ singlet_cols = [i for i, n in enumerate(self.cf_names) if n.startswith("c1")] return singlets2conc(self.settings.basis_functions, self.cf_matrix[:, singlet_cols]) @property def default_select_cond(self): return [("converged", "=", True), ("struct_type", "=", "initial")] def set_fitting_scheme(self, fitting_scheme="ridge", alpha=1e-9): from clease.regression import LinearRegression allowed_fitting_schemes = ["ridge", "tikhonov", "lasso", "l1", "l2", "ols", "linear"] if isinstance(fitting_scheme, LinearRegression): self.scheme = fitting_scheme elif isinstance(fitting_scheme, str): fitting_scheme = fitting_scheme.lower() if fitting_scheme not in allowed_fitting_schemes: raise ValueError(f"Fitting scheme has to be one of {allowed_fitting_schemes}") if fitting_scheme in ["ridge", "tikhonov", "l2"]: from clease.regression import Tikhonov self.scheme = Tikhonov(alpha=alpha) elif fitting_scheme in ["lasso", "l1"]: from clease.regression import Lasso self.scheme = Lasso(alpha=alpha) elif fitting_scheme in ["ols", "linear"]: # Perform ordinary least squares self.scheme = LinearRegression() else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown fitting scheme: {fitting_scheme}") else: raise ValueError( f"Fitting scheme has to be one of " f"{allowed_fitting_schemes} or a " f"LinearRegression instance." ) # Unset the ECI, so a new fit is required. self.eci = None N = len(self.e_dft) # If user has supplied any data weighting, pass the # weight matrix to the fitting scheme if np.any(np.abs(self.weight_matrix - np.eye(N) > 1e-6)): self.scheme.weight_matrix = self.weight_matrix def _get_max_cluster_dia(self, max_cluster_dia): """Make max_cluster_dia in a numpy array form.""" if isinstance(max_cluster_dia, (list, np.ndarray)): if len(max_cluster_dia) == self.settings.max_cluster_size + 1: for i in range(2): max_cluster_dia[i] = 0.0 max_cluster_dia = np.array(max_cluster_dia, dtype=float) elif len(max_cluster_dia) == self.settings.max_cluster_size - 1: max_cluster_dia = np.array(max_cluster_dia, dtype=float) max_cluster_dia = np.insert(max_cluster_dia, 0, [0.0, 0.0]) else: raise ValueError("Invalid length for max_cluster_dia.") # max_cluster_dia is int or float elif isinstance(max_cluster_dia, (int, float)): max_cluster_dia *= np.ones(self.settings.max_cluster_size - 1, dtype=float) max_cluster_dia = np.insert(max_cluster_dia, 0, [0.0, 0.0]) return max_cluster_dia def _update_convex_hull_weight(self, min_weight): """Weight structure according to similarity with the most similar structure on the Convex Hull.""" if abs(min_weight - 1.0) < 1e-4: return from clease import ConvexHull cnv_hull = ConvexHull(self.settings.db_name, select_cond=self.select_cond) hull = cnv_hull.get_convex_hull() cosine_sim = [] for conc, energy in zip(self.concentrations, self.e_dft): sim = cnv_hull.cosine_similarity_convex_hull(conc, energy, hull) cosine_sim.append(sim) cosine_sim = np.array(cosine_sim) # Shift tha maximum value to 0 cosine_sim -= np.max(cosine_sim) min_sim = np.min(cosine_sim) decay = np.log(min_weight) / min_sim self.weight_matrix = np.diag(np.exp(decay * cosine_sim)) self.effective_num_data_pts = np.sum(self.weight_matrix)
[docs] def fit_required(self) -> bool: """Check whether we need to calculate the ECI values.""" return self.eci is None
[docs] def fit(self) -> None: """Determine the ECI with the given regressor. This will always calculate a new fit. """ self.eci =, self.e_dft) assert self.eci is not None
[docs] def get_eci(self) -> np.ndarray: """Determine and return ECIs for a given alpha. Raises a ValueError if no fit has been performed yet. Returns: np.ndarray: A 1D array of floats with all ECI values. """ if self.eci is None: # getting ECI's was not allowed to fit, and we haven't run a fit yet. raise ValueError("ECI's has not been fit yet. Call the method first.") return self.eci
[docs] def get_eci_dict(self, cutoff_tol: float = 1e-14) -> Dict[str, float]: """Determine cluster names and their corresponding ECI value and return them in a dictionary format. Args: cutoff_tol (float, optional): Cutoff value below which the absolute ECI value is considered to be 0. Defaults to 1e-14. Returns: Dict[str, float]: Dictionary with the CF names and the corresponding ECI value. """ eci = self.get_eci() # sanity check if len(self.cf_names) != len(eci): raise ValueError("lengths of cf_names and ECIs are not same") all_nonzero = np.abs(eci) > cutoff_tol # Only keep the all non-zero values. return {cf: val for cf, val, nonzero in zip(self.cf_names, eci, all_nonzero) if nonzero}
[docs] def load_eci_dict(self, eci_dict: Dict[str, float]) -> None: """Load the ECI's from a dictionary. Any ECI's which are missing from the internal cf_names list are assumed to be 0. Note: this doesn't load the scheme or the alpha value, so it will not prevent a new fit to be performed if requested, as it may be incompatible with the current fitting scheme. """ eci = np.zeros(len(self.cf_names), dtype=float) for ii, name in enumerate(self.cf_names): eci[ii] = eci_dict.get(name, 0.0) self.eci = eci
[docs] def load_eci(self, fname="eci.json") -> None: """Read in ECI values stored to a json file. Note: this doesn't load the scheme or the alpha value, so it will not prevent a new fit to be performed if requested, as it may be incompatible with the current fitting scheme. """ full_fname = add_file_extension(fname, ".json") with open(full_fname, "r") as fd: self.load_eci_dict(json.load(fd))
[docs] def save_eci(self, fname="eci.json", **kwargs): """ Save a dictionary of cluster names and their corresponding ECI value in JSON file format. Parameters: fname: str json filename. If no extension if given, .json is added kwargs: Extra keywords are passed on to the :meth:`~get_eci_dict` method. """ full_fname = add_file_extension(fname, ".json") with open(full_fname, "w") as outfile: json.dump(self.get_eci_dict(**kwargs), outfile, indent=2, separators=(",", ": "))
[docs] @deprecated(reason="Use the clease.plot_post_process module instead.", version="0.11.7") def plot_fit(self, interactive=False, savefig=False, fname=None, show_hull=True): """Plot calculated (DFT) and predicted energies for a given alpha. Paramters: alpha: int or float regularization parameter. savefig: bool - True: Save the plot with a file name specified in 'fname'. Only works when interactive=False. This option does not display figure. - False: Display figure without saving. fname: str file name of the figure (only used when savefig = True) show_hull: bool whether or not to show convex hull. """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from clease.interactive_plot import ShowStructureOnClick, AnnotatedAx import clease.plot_post_process as pp if self.eci is None: e_pred = e_range = max(np.append(self.e_dft, e_pred)) - min(np.append(self.e_dft, e_pred)) rmin = min(np.append(self.e_dft, e_pred)) - 0.05 * e_range rmax = max(np.append(self.e_dft, e_pred)) + 0.05 * e_range prefix = "" if fname is not None: prefix = fname.rpartition(".")[0] cv = None cv_name = "LOOCV" cv = self.get_cv_score() * 1000.0 if self.scoring_scheme == "k-fold": cv_name = f"{self.nsplits}-fold" t = np.arange(rmin - 10, rmax + 10, 1) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) if self.effective_num_data_pts != len(self.e_dft): ax.set_title( f"Fit using {self.e_dft.shape[0]} data points. Eff. " f"num. data points {self.effective_num_data_pts:.1f}" ) else: ax.set_title(f"Fit using {self.e_dft.shape[0]} data points.") if self.effective_num_data_pts != len(self.e_dft): w = np.diag(self.weight_matrix) im = ax.scatter(e_pred, self.e_dft, c=w) cb = fig.colorbar(im) cb.set_label("Weight") # Plot again with zero marker width to make the interactive # plot work ax.plot(e_pred, self.e_dft, "o", mfc="none", color="black", markeredgewidth=0.0) else: ax.plot(e_pred, self.e_dft, "bo", mfc="none") ax.plot(t, t, "r") ax.axis([rmin, rmax, rmin, rmax]) ax.set_ylabel(r"$E_{DFT}$ (eV/atom)") ax.set_xlabel(r"$E_{pred}$ (eV/atom)") ax.text( 0.95, 0.01, cv_name + f" = {cv:.3f} meV/atom \n" f"RMSE = {self.rmse() * 1000.0:.3f} meV/atom", verticalalignment="bottom", horizontalalignment="right", transform=ax.transAxes, fontsize=12, ) if self.e_pred_loo is not None: ax.plot(self.e_pred_loo, self.e_dft, "ro", mfc="none") if interactive: lines = ax.get_lines() if self.e_pred_loo is None: data_points = [lines[0]] else: data_points = [lines[0], lines[2]] annotations = [self.names, self.names] db_name = self.settings.db_name annotated_ax = AnnotatedAx( ax, data_points, annotations, structure_names=[self.names, self.names], ) ShowStructureOnClick(fig, annotated_ax, db_name) else: if savefig: plt.savefig(fname=fname) else: # Create a plot with the residuals gridspec_kw = {"wspace": 0.0, "width_ratios": [5, 1]} fig_residual, ax_res = plt.subplots(ncols=2, sharey=True, gridspec_kw=gridspec_kw) ax_residual = ax_res[0] ax_residual.set_title("LOO residual (o). Residual (v)") if self.e_pred_loo is None: loo_delta = None else: loo_delta = (self.e_dft - self.e_pred_loo) * 1000.0 delta_e = (self.e_dft - e_pred) * 1000.0 if self.effective_num_data_pts != len(self.e_dft) and loo_delta is not None: im = ax_residual.scatter(self.e_dft, loo_delta, c=w) cb = fig_residual.colorbar(im) cb.set_label("Weight") # Plot again with zero with to make the interactive # plot work ax_residual.plot( self.e_dft, loo_delta, "o", color="black", markeredgewidth=0.0, mfc="none", ) else: if loo_delta is not None: ax_residual.plot(self.e_dft, loo_delta, "o") ax_residual.plot(self.e_dft, delta_e, "v", mfc="none") ax_residual.axhline(0, ls="--") ax_residual.set_ylabel(r"$E_{DFT} - E_{pred}$ (meV/atom)") hist, bin_edges = np.histogram(delta_e, bins=30) h = bin_edges[1] - bin_edges[0] ax_res[1].barh(bin_edges[:-1], hist, height=h, color="#bdbdbd") ax_res[1].set_xlabel("# occ") ax_res[1].spines["right"].set_visible(False) ax_res[1].spines["top"].set_visible(False) if interactive: lines = ax_residual.get_lines() if loo_delta is not None: data_points = [lines[0], lines[1]] annotations = [self.names, self.names] else: data_points = [lines[0]] annotations = [self.names] annotated_ax = AnnotatedAx(ax_residual, data_points, annotations) ShowStructureOnClick(fig_residual, annotated_ax, db_name) else: if savefig: fig_residual.savefig(prefix + "_residuals.png") else: # Optionally show the convex hull if show_hull: fig = pp.plot_convex_hull(evaluate=self, interactive=interactive) if interactive: # Interactive (currently) has a built-in pass else: if savefig: fig.savefig(prefix + "_cnv_hull.png") else:
@property def atomic_concentrations(self): """ The actual atomic concentration (including background lattices) normalised against the total number of atoms """ conc_per_frame = [] conc_ratio = self.settings.atomic_concentration_ratio ignored = self.settings.ignored_species_and_conc for internal_conc in self.concentrations: frame_conc = {} # Internal concentrations need to be rescaled for specie, cvalue in internal_conc.items(): frame_conc[specie] = cvalue * conc_ratio # Include the ignored species for specie, cvalue in ignored.items(): if specie in frame_conc: frame_conc[specie] += cvalue else: frame_conc[specie] = cvalue conc_per_frame.append(frame_conc) return conc_per_frame
[docs] def alpha_CV( self, alpha_min=1e-7, alpha_max=1.0, num_alpha=10, scale="log", logfile=None, fitting_schemes=None, ): """Calculate CV for a given range of alpha. In addition to calculating CV with respect to alpha, a logfile can be used to extend the range of alpha or to add more alpha values in a given range. Returns a list of alpha values, and a list of CV scores. Parameters: alpha_min: int or float minimum value of regularization parameter alpha. alpha_max: int or float maximum value of regularization parameter alpha. num_alpha: int number of alpha values to be used in the plot. scale: str - 'log'(default): alpha values are evenly spaced on a log scale. - 'linear': alpha values are evenly spaced on a linear scale. logfile: file object, str or None. - None: logging is disabled - str: a file with that name will be opened. If '-', stdout used. - file object: use the file object for logging fitting_schemes: None or array of instance of LinearRegression. Note: If the file with the same name exists, it first checks if the alpha value already exists in the logfile and evalutes the CV of the alpha values that are absent. The newly evaluated CVs are appended to the existing file. """ from clease.regression import LinearRegression if not supports_alpha_cv(self.scheme): raise ValueError(f"Scheme must support scalar alpha, got {self.scheme!r}") fitting_schemes = self.scheme.get_instance_array( alpha_min, alpha_max, num_alpha=num_alpha, scale=scale ) for scheme in fitting_schemes: if not isinstance(scheme, LinearRegression): raise TypeError( "Each entry in fitting_schemes should be an " "instance of LinearRegression" ) elif not scheme.is_scalar(): raise TypeError( "plot_CV only supports the fitting schemes " "with a scalar paramater." ) # if the file exists, read the alpha values that are already evaluated. self._initialize_logfile(logfile) fitting_schemes = self._remove_existing_alphas(logfile, fitting_schemes) for scheme in fitting_schemes: if not isinstance(scheme, LinearRegression): raise TypeError( "Each entry in fitting_schemes should be an " "instance of LinearRegression" ) elif not scheme.is_scalar(): raise TypeError( "plot_CV only supports the fitting schemes " "with a scalar paramater." ) # if the file exists, read the alpha values that are already evaluated. self._initialize_logfile(logfile) fitting_schemes = self._remove_existing_alphas(logfile, fitting_schemes) # get CV scores alphas = [] if self.parallel: # We need to limit NumPy's parallelization (and any other BLAS/OpenMP threading) # as it'll spawn num_score * NUM_THREADS threads, which ultimately hurts the performance. # We un-limit the threading again after the work is done. with threadpoolctl.threadpool_limits(limits=1): # Use a context manager to ensure workers are properly closed, even upon a crash with mp.Pool(self.num_core) as workers: args = [(self, scheme) for scheme in fitting_schemes] alphas = [s.get_scalar_parameter() for s in fitting_schemes] cv =, args) cv = np.array(cv) else: cv = np.ones(len(fitting_schemes)) for i, scheme in enumerate(fitting_schemes): self.set_fitting_scheme(fitting_scheme=scheme) cv[i] = self.get_cv_score() num_eci = len(np.nonzero(self.get_eci())[0]) alpha = scheme.get_scalar_parameter() alphas.append(alpha)"{alpha:.10f}\t {num_eci}\t {cv[i]:.10f}") # add the cv scores self._cv_scores = [] for alpha, cv_score in zip(alphas, cv): self._cv_scores.append({"alpha": alpha, "cv": cv_score}) return alphas, cv
[docs] def cv_for_alpha(self, alphas: List[float]) -> None: """ Calculate the CV scores for alphas using the fitting scheme specified in the Evaluate object. :param alphas: List of alpha values to get CV scores """ if not isinstance(self.scheme, LinearRegression): raise TypeError("Fitting scheme must be a LinearRegression") for alpha in alphas: self.scheme.alpha = alpha cv = self.get_cv_score() num_eci = len(np.nonzero(self.get_eci())[0]) self._cv_scores.append({"alpha": alpha, "cv": cv})"{alpha:.10f}\t {num_eci}\t {cv:.10f}")
@property def cv_scores(self): if not self._cv_scores: raise ValueError("CV scores have not been calculated yet") return self._cv_scores
[docs] @deprecated(reason="Use the alpha_CV method instead.", version="0.11.7") def plot_CV( self, alpha_min=1e-7, alpha_max=1.0, num_alpha=10, scale="log", logfile=None, fitting_schemes=None, savefig=False, fname=None, ): """Plot CV for a given range of alpha. In addition to plotting CV with respect to alpha, logfile can be used to extend the range of alpha or add more alpha values in a given range. Returns an alpha value that leads to the minimum CV score within the pool of evaluated alpha values. Parameters: alpha_min: int or float minimum value of regularization parameter alpha. alpha_max: int or float maximum value of regularization parameter alpha. num_alpha: int number of alpha values to be used in the plot. scale: str - 'log'(default): alpha values are evenly spaced on a log scale. - 'linear': alpha values are evenly spaced on a linear scale. logfile: file object, str or None - None: logging is disabled - str: a file with that name will be opened. If '-', stdout used. - file object: use the file object for logging fitting_schemes: None or array of instance of LinearRegression savefig: bool - True: Save the plot with a file name specified in 'fname'. This option does not display figure. - False: Display figure without saving. fname: str file name of the figure (only used when savefig = True) Note: If the file with the same name exists, it first checks if the alpha value already exists in the logfile and evalutes the CV of the alpha values that are absent. The newly evaluated CVs are appended to the existing file. """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt alphas, cv = self.alpha_CV( alpha_min=alpha_min, alpha_max=alpha_max, num_alpha=num_alpha, scale=scale, logfile=logfile, fitting_schemes=fitting_schemes, ) # --------------- # # Generate a plot # # --------------- # # if logfile is present, read all entries from the file if logfile is not None and logfile != "-": alphas, cv = self._get_alphas_cv_from_file(logfile) # get the minimum CV score and the corresponding alpha value ind = cv.argmin() min_alpha = alphas[ind] min_cv = cv[ind] fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.set_title("CV score vs. alpha") ax.semilogx(alphas, cv * 1000) ax.semilogx(min_alpha, min_cv * 1000, "bo", mfc="none") ax.set_ylabel("CV score (meV/atom)") ax.set_xlabel("alpha") ax.text( 0.65, 0.01, f"min. CV score:\n" f"alpha = {min_alpha:.10f} \n" f"CV = {min_cv * 1000.0:.3f} meV/atom", verticalalignment="bottom", horizontalalignment="left", transform=ax.transAxes, fontsize=10, ) if savefig: plt.savefig(fname=fname) else: return min_alpha
@deprecated(reason="Logfile is being removed.", version="0.11.7") def _get_alphas_cv_from_file(self, logfile): alphas = [] cv = [] with open(logfile) as log: next(log) for line in log: alphas.append(float(line.split()[0])) cv.append(float(line.split()[-1])) alphas = np.array(alphas) cv = np.array(cv) # sort alphas and cv based on the values of alphas ind = alphas.argsort() alphas = alphas[ind] cv = cv[ind] return alphas, cv def _remove_existing_alphas(self, logfile, fitting_schemes): if not isinstance(logfile, str): return fitting_schemes elif logfile == "-": return fitting_schemes existing_alpha = [] with open(logfile) as f: lines = f.readlines() for line_num, line in enumerate(lines): if line_num == 0: continue existing_alpha.append(float(line.split()[0])) schemes = [] for scheme in fitting_schemes: exists = np.isclose(existing_alpha, scheme.get_scalar_parameter(), atol=1e-9).any() if not exists: schemes.append(scheme) return schemes def _initialize_logfile(self, logfile): # logfile setup if isinstance(logfile, str): if logfile == "-": handler = lg.StreamHandler(sys.stdout) handler.setLevel(lg.INFO) logger.addHandler(handler) else: handler = MultiprocessHandler(logfile) handler.setLevel(lg.INFO) logger.addHandler(handler) # create a log file and make a header line if the file does not # exist. if os.stat(logfile).st_size == 0:"alpha \t\t # ECI \t CV")
[docs] @deprecated(reason="Use the clease.plot_post_process module instead.", version="0.11.7") def plot_ECI(self, ignore_sizes=(0,), interactive=True): """Plot the all the ECI. Parameters: ignore_sizes: list of ints Sizes listed in this list will not be plotted. Default is to ignore the emptry cluster. interactive: bool If ``True``, one can interact with the plot using mouse. """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from clease.interactive_plot import InteractivePlot, AnnotatedAx if self.eci is None: # Structure the ECIs in terms by size eci_by_size = {} for name, eci in zip(self.cf_names, self.eci): size = get_size_from_cf_name(name) d = get_diameter_from_cf_name(name) if size not in eci_by_size.keys(): eci_by_size[size] = {"d": [], "eci": [], "name": []} eci_by_size[size]["d"].append(d) eci_by_size[size]["eci"].append(eci) eci_by_size[size]["name"].append(name) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) ax.axhline(0.0, ls="--", color="grey") markers = ["o", "v", "x", "D", "^", "h", "s", "p"] annotations = [] lines = [] for size, data in eci_by_size.items(): if size in ignore_sizes: continue data["d"] = np.array(data["d"]) data["eci"] = np.array(data["eci"]) sort_index = np.argsort(data["d"]) data["d"] = data["d"][sort_index] data["eci"] = data["eci"][sort_index] annotations.append([data["name"][indx] for indx in sort_index]) mrk = markers[size % len(markers)] line = ax.plot( data["d"], data["eci"], label=f"{size}-body", marker=mrk, mfc="none", ls="", markersize=8, ) lines.append(line[0]) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(1)) ax.set_xlabel("Cluster diameter ($n^{th}$ nearest neighbor)") ax.set_ylabel("ECI (eV/atom)") ax.legend() if interactive: annotated_ax = AnnotatedAx(ax, lines, annotations) # Note: Internally this calls InteractivePlot(fig, annotated_ax) else:
def _get_cf_name_radius(self, cf_name: str) -> float: """Get the cluster radius of a cf_name""" cluster = self.settings.get_cluster_corresponding_to_cf_name(cf_name) return cluster.diameter / 2
[docs] def mae(self): """Calculate mean absolute error (MAE) of the fit.""" if self.eci is None: e_pred = delta_e = self.e_dft - e_pred delta_e *= self.normalization w = np.diag(self.weight_matrix) delta_e *= w return sum(np.absolute(delta_e)) / self.effective_num_data_pts
[docs] def rmse(self): """Calculate root-mean-square error (RMSE) of the fit.""" if self.eci is None: e_pred = delta_e = self.e_dft - e_pred delta_e *= self.normalization w = np.diag(self.weight_matrix) rmse_sq = np.sum(w * delta_e**2) rmse_sq /= self.effective_num_data_pts return np.sqrt(rmse_sq)
[docs] def loocv_fast(self): """CV score based on the method in J. Phase Equilib. 23, 348 (2002). This method has a computational complexity of order n^1. """ # For each structure i, predict energy based on the ECIs determined # using (N-1) structures and the parameters corresponding to the # structure i. # CV^2 = N^{-1} * Sum((E_DFT-E_pred) / (1 - X_i (X^T X)^{-1} X_u^T))^2 if not self.scheme.support_fast_loocv: return self.loocv() if self.eci is None: e_pred = delta_e = self.e_dft - e_pred delta_e *= self.normalization cfm = self.cf_matrix # precision matrix prec = self.scheme.precision_matrix(cfm) delta_e_loo = delta_e / (1 - np.diag( self.e_pred_loo = self.e_dft - delta_e_loo # Apply energy normalization self.e_pred_loo *= self.normalization w = np.diag(self.weight_matrix) cv_sq = np.sum(w * delta_e_loo**2) cv_sq /= self.effective_num_data_pts return np.sqrt(cv_sq)
[docs] def loocv(self): """Determine the CV score for the Leave-One-Out case.""" cv_sq = 0.0 e_pred_loo = [] for i in range(self.cf_matrix.shape[0]): eci = self._get_eci_loo(i) e_pred = self.cf_matrix[i][:].dot(eci) delta_e = self.e_dft[i] - e_pred delta_e *= self.normalization[i] cv_sq += self.weight_matrix[i, i] * (delta_e) ** 2 e_pred_loo.append(e_pred) # cv_sq /= self.cf_matrix.shape[0] cv_sq /= self.effective_num_data_pts self.e_pred_loo = e_pred_loo return np.sqrt(cv_sq)
[docs] def k_fold_cv(self): """Determine the k-fold cross validation.""" from import split_dataset avg_score = 0.0 for _ in range(self.num_repetitions): partitions = split_dataset(self.cf_matrix, self.e_dft, nsplits=self.nsplits) scores = [] for part in partitions: eci =["train_X"], part["train_y"]) e_pred = part["validate_X"].dot(eci) delta_e = e_pred - part["validate_y"] delta_e *= self.normalization[part["validate_index"]] scores.append(np.mean(delta_e**2)) avg_score += np.sqrt(np.mean(scores)) return avg_score / self.num_repetitions
def _get_eci_loo(self, i): """Determine ECI values for the Leave-One-Out case. Eliminate the ith row of the cf_matrix when determining the ECIs. Returns the determined ECIs. Parameters: i: int iterator passed from the self.loocv method. """ cfm = np.delete(self.cf_matrix, i, 0) e_dft = np.delete(self.e_dft, i, 0) eci =, e_dft) return eci def _filter_cname_on_size(self, max_size): """ Filter the cluster names based on size Parameters: max_size: int Maximum cluster size to include in fit """ filtered_names = [] for name in self.cf_names: size = get_size_from_cf_name(name) if size <= max_size: filtered_names.append(name) return filtered_names def _filter_cname_circum_dia(self, max_dia): """ Filter the cluster names based on the diameter of the circumscribed sphere. :param max_dia: list of float Diameter of the cirscumscribed sphere for each size. Note: Index 0 corresponds to the diameter of 2-body clusters, index 1 to 3-body, etc. """ filtered_names = [] # Note: max_dia is a list starting from 2-body max_size_expected = len(max_dia) + 1 for name in self.cf_names: size = get_size_from_cf_name(name) if size > max_size_expected: raise ValueError( "Inconsistent length of max_dia, size: {}, expected at most: {}".format( size, max_size_expected ) ) elif size in [0, 1]: filtered_names.append(name) continue prefix = name.rpartition("_")[0] cluster = self.settings.cluster_list.get_by_name(prefix)[0] dia = cluster.diameter # Index of size in the max_dia array size_index = size - 2 if dia < max_dia[size_index]: filtered_names.append(name) return filtered_names
[docs] def generalization_error(self, validation_id: List[int]): """ Estimate the generalization error to new datapoints :param validation_ids: List with IDs to leave out of the dataset """ db = connect(self.settings.db_name) mse = 0.0 count = 0 for uid in validation_id: row = db.get(id=uid) cf = self._get_cf_from_atoms_row(row) pred = self.get_eci().dot(cf) if row.get("final_struct_id", -1) != -1: energy = db.get(id=row.get("final_struct_id")) else: energy = mse += (energy / row.natoms - pred) ** 2 count += 1 if count == 0: return 0.0 return np.sqrt(mse / count) * 1000.0
[docs] def export_dataset(self, fname): """ Export the dataset used to fit a model y = Xc where y is typically the DFT energy per atom and c is the unknown ECIs. This function exports the data to a csv file with the following format # ECIname_1, ECIname_2, ..., ECIname_n, E_DFT 0.1, 0.4, ..., -0.6, -2.0 0.3, 0.2, ..., -0.9, -2.3 thus each row in the file contains the correlation function values and the corresponding DFT energy value. Parameter: fname: str Filename to write to. Typically this should end with .csv """
[docs] def get_cv_score(self): """ Calculate the CV score according to the selected scheme """ if self.scoring_scheme == "loocv": cv = self.loocv() elif self.scoring_scheme == "loocv_fast": cv = self.loocv_fast() elif self.scoring_scheme == "k-fold": cv = self.k_fold_cv() else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown scoring scheme: {self.schoring_scheme}") return cv
[docs] def get_energy_predict(self, normalize: bool = True) -> np.ndarray: """ Perform matrix multiplication of eci and cf_matrix :return: Energy predicted using ECIs """ eci = self.get_eci() en = if normalize: return en * self.normalization return en
def get_energy_true(self, normalize: bool = True) -> np.ndarray: if normalize: return self.e_dft * self.normalization return self.e_dft
[docs] def get_eci_by_size(self) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, list]]: """ Classify distance, eci and cf_name according to cluster body size :return: Dictionary which contains * Key: body size of cluster * Value: A dictionary with the following entries: - "distance" : distance of the cluster - "eci" : eci of the cluster - "name" : name of the cluster - "radius" : Radius of the cluster in Ã…ngstrom. """ if self.eci is None: raise ValueError("ECIs have not been fitted yet.") # Structure the ECIs in terms by size eci_by_size = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(list)) for name, eci in zip(self.cf_names, self.eci): size = get_size_from_cf_name(name) distance = get_diameter_from_cf_name(name) radius = self._get_cf_name_radius(name) eci_by_size[size]["distance"].append(distance) eci_by_size[size]["eci"].append(eci) eci_by_size[size]["name"].append(name) eci_by_size[size]["radius"].append(radius) # Remove the defaultdict factory attributes return {k: dict(v) for k, v in eci_by_size.items()}
[docs] def print_coverage_report(self, file=sys.stdout) -> None: """ Prints a report of how large fraction of the possible variation in each cluster is covered by the dataset :param file: a file-like object (stream); defaults to the current sys.stdout. """ cov_checker = ClusterCoverageChecker(self.settings, select_cond=self.select_cond) cov_checker.print_report(file=file)
def loocv_mp(args): """Need to wrap this function in order to use it with multiprocessing. Parameters: args: Tuple where the first entry is an instance of Evaluate and the second is the penalization value """ evaluator = args[0] scheme = args[1] evaluator.set_fitting_scheme(fitting_scheme=scheme) alpha = scheme.get_scalar_parameter() if evaluator.scoring_scheme == "loocv": cv = evaluator.loocv() elif evaluator.scoring_scheme == "loocv_fast": cv = evaluator.loocv_fast() elif evaluator.scoring_scheme == "k-fold": cv = evaluator.k_fold_cv() num_eci = len(np.nonzero(evaluator.get_eci())[0])"%.10f\t %d\t %.10f", alpha, num_eci, cv) return cv def supports_alpha_cv(scheme: LinearRegression) -> bool: """Determine whether a regression scheme supports alpha CV""" if scheme.is_scalar() and hasattr(scheme, "alpha"): return True return False