from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from collections import defaultdict
from itertools import combinations_with_replacement as cwr
import logging
import sqlite3
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Sequence, Set, Tuple
from ase.db import connect
import numpy as np
from clease import db_util
from import add_file_extension, get_ids, sort_cf_names
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
__all__ = (
class InconsistentDataError(Exception):
"""Data is inconsistent"""
class PropertyGetter(ABC):
"""Base class for getting a property from the database"""
def __init__(self, db_name: str):
self.db_name = db_name
def get_property(self, ids: Sequence[int]) -> np.ndarray:
"""Return the properties of all structures which matches the criteria"""
def connect(self, **kwargs):
"""Return an ASE connection to the database"""
return connect(self.db_name, **kwargs)
class FeatureGetter(PropertyGetter, ABC):
"""A base class for getting features, e.g. correlation functions"""
def names(self) -> Sequence[str]:
"""Return a name for each feature"""
class TargetGetter(PropertyGetter, ABC):
"""A base class for getting targets, e.g. energy per atom"""
def name(self) -> str:
"""Return the name of the target property"""
class DataManager(ABC):
DataManager is a class for extracting data from CLEASE databases to be
used to fit ECIs
:param db_name: Name of the database
def __init__(self, db_name: str):
self.db_name = db_name
self._X = None
self._y = None
self._feat_names = None
self._target_name = None
def get_data(self, select_cond: List[tuple]) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
Return the design matrix X and the target data y
def _get_data_from_getters(
self, select_cond: List[tuple], feature_getter: FeatureGetter, target_getter: TargetGetter
) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
Return the design matrix X and the target data y
:param select_cond: List of tuples with selection conditions
(e.g. [('converged', '='' True)])
:param feature_getter:
Instance of a FeatureGetter object that returns design matrix.
:param target_getter:
Instance of a TargetGetter object that extracts the target value (e.g. energy per atom)
>>> import clease
>>> from clease.data_manager import (
... CorrelationFunctionGetter, FinalStructEnergyGetter,
... DataManager)
>>> from ase.db import connect
>>> from ase import Atoms
>>> from ase.calculators.emt import EMT
>>> db_name = 'somedb.db'
>>> db = connect(db_name) # Make sure that the DB exists
>>> clease.db_util.new_row_with_single_table(db, Atoms('Cu'),
... 'polynomial_cf', {'c0': 1.0}, final_struct_id=2, converged=True)
>>> final = Atoms('Cu')
>>> final.calc = EMT()
>>> _ = final.get_potential_energy()
>>> db.write(final)
>>> feat_getter = CorrelationFunctionGetter(db_name, 'polynomial_cf',
... ['c0', 'c1_0', 'c2_d0000_0_00'], )
>>> targ_getter = FinalStructEnergyGetter(db_name)
>>> manager = DataManager(db_name)
>>> X, y = manager.get_data([('converged', '=', 1)], feat_getter,
... targ_getter)
>>> import os
>>> os.remove(db_name)
ids = get_ids(select_cond, self.db_name)
# Extract design matrix and the target values
cfm = feature_getter.get_property(ids)
target = target_getter.get_property(ids)
self._X = np.array(cfm, dtype=float)
self._y = np.array(target)
self._feat_names = feature_getter.names
self._target_name =
nrows = self._X.shape[0]
num_data = len(self._y)
if nrows != num_data:
raise InconsistentDataError(
f"Num. rows in deisgn matrix {nrows}."
f"Num. data points {num_data}\n"
"This is normally caused by a non-converged structure "
"being extracted from database. Check that all structures"
"extracted from DB using your query has a corresponding"
"final structure."
return self._X, self._y
def to_csv(self, fname: str):
Export the dataset used to fit a model y = Xc where y is typically the
DFT energy per atom and c is the unknown ECIs. This function exports
the data to a csv file with the following format
# ECIname_1, ECIname_2, ..., ECIname_n, E_DFT
0.1, 0.4, ..., -0.6, -2.0
0.3, 0.2, ..., -0.9, -2.3
thus each row in the file contains the correlation function values and
the corresponding DFT energy value.
:param fname: Filename to write to. Typically this should end with .csv
if self._X is None:
fname = add_file_extension(fname, ".csv")
header = ",".join(self._feat_names) + f",{self._target_name}"
data = np.hstack((self._X, np.reshape(self._y, (len(self._y), -1))))
np.savetxt(fname, data, delimiter=",", header=header)"Dataset exported to %s", fname)
def get_matching_names(self, pattern: str) -> List[str]:
Get names that matches pattern
:param pattern: Pattern which the string should contain.
If the names are ['abc', 'def', 'gbcr'] and the passed pattern
is 'bc', then ['abc', 'gbcr'] will be returned
return [n for n in self._feat_names if pattern in n]
def get_cols(self, names: List[str]) -> np.ndarray:
Get all columns corresponding to the names
:pram names: List of names (e.g. ['c0', 'c1_1'])
name_idx = {n: i for i, n in enumerate(self._feat_names)}
indices = [name_idx[n] for n in names]
return self._X[:, indices]
def groups(self) -> List[int]:
Returns the group of each item in the X matrix. In the top-level
DataManager it is assumed that each row in the X matrix constitutes
its own group. But this method may be overrided in child classes.
if self._X is None:
return []
return list(range(self._X.shape[0]))
class CorrFuncEnergyDataManager(DataManager):
CorrFuncFinalEnergyDataManager is a convenience class provided
to handle the standard case where the features are correlation functions
and the target is the DFT energy per atom
:param db_name: Name of the database being passed
:param cf_names: List with the correlation function names to extract
:param tab_name: Name of the table where the correlation functions are
:param order: Order of the correlation function. Default 1.
def __init__(
db_name: str,
tab_name: str,
cf_names: Optional[List[str]] = None,
order: int = 1,
) -> None:
self.tab_name = tab_name
self.cf_names = cf_names
self.order = order
def get_data(self, select_cond: List[tuple]) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
Return X and y, where X is the design matrix containing correlation
functions and y is the DFT energy per atom.
:param select_cond: List with select conditions for the database
(e.g. [('converged', '=', True)])
return self._get_data_from_getters(
CorrelationFunctionGetter(self.db_name, self.tab_name, self.cf_names, order=self.order),
class CorrFuncPropertyDataManager(DataManager):
CorrFuncFinalEnergyDataManager is a convenience class provided
to handle the standard case where the features are correlation functions
and the target is the user defined property (eg: bandgap, distortion etc)
which is in the databse as key-value-pair.
:param db_name: Name of the database being passed
:param cf_names: List with the correlation function names to extract
:param tab_name: Name of the table where the correlation functions are
:param order: Order of the correlation function. Default 1.
:prop: User given property
def __init__(
prop: str,
db_name: str,
tab_name: str,
cf_names: Optional[List[str]] = None,
order: int = 1,
) -> None:
self.tab_name = tab_name
self.cf_names = cf_names
self.order = order
self.prop = prop
def get_data(self, select_cond: List[tuple]) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
Return X and y, where X is the design matrix containing correlation
functions and y is the DFT energy per atom.
:param select_cond: List with select conditions for the database
(e.g. [('converged', '=', True)])
return self._get_data_from_getters(
CorrelationFunctionGetter(self.db_name, self.tab_name, self.cf_names, order=self.order),
FinalStructPropertyGetter(self.db_name, self.prop),
class CorrelationFunctionGetter(FeatureGetter):
CorrelationFunctionGetter is a class that extracts
the correlation functions from an AtomsRow object
:param db_name: Name of the database
:param tab_name: Name of the external table where the correlation
functions are stored
:param cf_names: List with the names of the correlation functions.
If None, all correlation functions in the database will be
:param order: Order of the correlation function. Default is 1.
def __init__(
self, db_name: str, tab_name: str, cf_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, order: int = 1
) -> None:
self.tab_name = tab_name
self.cf_names = cf_names
self.order = order
def names(self):
Return a name of each column
return self.cf_names
def _extract_cf_name(self, name: str) -> bool:
Return True if the name should be extracted
return self.cf_names is None or name in self.cf_names
def _is_matrix_representable(id_cf_names: Dict[int, List[str]]) -> bool:
Check if the extracted correlation functions can be represented as a
reference = sorted(list(id_cf_names.values())[0])
# Check the names of the correlation functions is equal for
# all rows
for v in id_cf_names.values():
srt_v = sorted(v)
if len(srt_v) != len(reference):
return False
if any(x != y for x, y in zip(reference, srt_v)):
return False
return True
def _minimum_common_cf_set(id_cf_names: Dict[int, List[str]]) -> Set[str]:
Returns the minimum set of correlation functions that exists for all
common_cf = set(list(id_cf_names.values())[0])
for v in id_cf_names.values():
common_cf = common_cf.intersection(v)
return common_cf
def get_property(self, ids: Sequence[int]) -> np.ndarray:
Extracts the design matrix associated with the database IDs. The first
row in the matrix corresponds to the first item in ids, the second row
corresponds to the second item in ids etc. If cf_names was None, all
correlation functions in the database will be extracted. cf_names will
be updated such that it reflects the names of the correlation functions
that were extracted.
:param ids: Database IDs of initial structures
sql = f"SELECT * FROM {self.tab_name}"
# Format: {id1: {name1: cf_value1, name2: cf_value2, ...}, ...}
# Use defaultdict, so we don't have to manually instantiate each sub-dict.
id_cf_dct = defaultdict(dict)
id_set = set(ids)
with self.connect() as db:
self._check_version(db, *ids)
cur = db.connection.cursor()
# Extract the correlation function name and value. The ID is also
# extracted to check if it is in ids. The correlation functions
# are placed in a dictionary because the IDs is not nessecarily
# a monotone sequence of ints
for name, value, db_id in cur.fetchall():
if db_id in id_set and self._extract_cf_name(name):
id_cf_dct[db_id][name] = value
# Dictionary of just the names belonging to each ID
id_cf_names = {i: list(v.keys()) for i, v in id_cf_dct.items()}
if not self._is_matrix_representable(id_cf_names):
min_set = self._minimum_common_cf_set(id_cf_names)
msg = "The extracted correlation functions cannot be "
msg += "represented as a matrix because there are a "
msg += "number of columns for each row or at least one of "
msg += "the names of the column differ.\n"
msg += "Minimum common set of correlation functions.\n"
msg += f"{min_set}\n"
raise InconsistentDataError(msg)
if self.cf_names is None:
# No pre-existing CF names list was provided,
# so we construct it from what was in the DB
tmp = list(set(v for item in id_cf_names.values() for v in item))
self.cf_names = sort_cf_names(tmp)
cf_matrix = np.zeros((len(id_cf_dct), len(self.cf_names)))
# Convert the correlation function dictionary to a numpy 2D array
# such that is can be passed to a fitting algorithm
for row, db_id in enumerate(ids):
cf_dct = id_cf_dct[db_id]
# Retreive all of the CF values by name, and insert into matrix
# Ensures ordering is preserved. Missing values are set to 0.
cf_matrix[row, :] = [cf_dct.get(name, 0.0) for name in self.cf_names]
if self.order > 1:
cf_matrix = self._include_higher_order(cf_matrix)
return cf_matrix
def _include_higher_order(self, cf_matrix: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
Adds columns to the cf_matrix consisting of higher orders.
:param cf_matrix: Matrix holding first order correlation functions
first_order_cf_indices = list(range(1, cf_matrix.shape[1]))
nrows = cf_matrix.shape[0]
for order in range(2, self.order + 1):
for comb in cwr(first_order_cf_indices, r=order):
X = np.ones((nrows, 1))
for i in comb:
X[:, 0] *= cf_matrix[:, i]
cf_matrix = np.hstack((cf_matrix, X))
name = "*".join(self.cf_names[i] for i in comb)
# Add the new to the list of cf names
return cf_matrix
def _check_version(self, connection, *ids: Sequence[int]) -> None:
if db_util.require_reconfigure_table(connection, self.tab_name, *ids):
raise db_util.OutOfDateTable(
"An out of date correlation function table was found. "
'Please reconfigure your database, e.g. using "clease.reconfigure(settings)".'
class FinalStructEnergyGetter(TargetGetter):
FinalStructEnergyGetter is a callable class that returns the final energy
(typically after structure relaxation) corresponding to the passed
AtomsRow object.
:param db_name: Name of the database
def name(self):
return "E_DFT (eV/atom)"
def get_property(self, ids: Sequence[int]) -> np.ndarray:
Extract the final energy of the ids passed. In the returned array, the
first energy corresponds to the first item in ids, the second energy
corresponds to the second item in ids etc.
:param ids: Database ids of initial structures
sql = "SELECT value, id FROM number_key_values "
sql += "WHERE key='final_struct_id'"
id_set = set(ids)
# Map beetween the initial structure and the index in the id list
init_struct_idx = {idx: i for i, idx in enumerate(ids)}
with self.connect() as db:
cur = db.connection.cursor()
final_struct_ids = []
# Map the between final struct id and initial struct id
init_struct_ids = {}
for final_id, init_id in cur.fetchall():
if init_id in id_set:
init_struct_ids[final_id] = init_id
# Extract the number of atoms of the initial structure
num_atoms = extract_num_atoms(cur, id_set)
final_struct_ids = set(final_struct_ids)
sql = "SELECT id, energy FROM systems"
energies = np.zeros(len(final_struct_ids))
# Populate the energies array
for final_id, energy in cur.fetchall():
if final_id in final_struct_ids:
init_id = init_struct_ids[final_id]
idx = init_struct_idx[init_id]
energies[idx] = energy / num_atoms[init_id]
return energies
class FinalStructPropertyGetter(TargetGetter):
FinalStructPropertyGetter is a class that returns the user defined property
value corresponding to the passed AtomsRow object.
The user defined property should be located in the *final* atoms row.
:param db_name: Name of the database
def __init__(self, db_name: str, prop: str) -> None:
self.prop = prop
def name(self):
return f"Property: {self.prop}"
def get_property(self, ids: Sequence[int]) -> np.ndarray:
Extract the property of the ids passed.
:param ids: Database ids of initial structures
sql = "SELECT value, id FROM number_key_values "
sql += "WHERE key='final_struct_id'"
id_set = set(ids)
# Map beetween the initial structure and the index in the id list
init_struct_idx = {idx: i for i, idx in enumerate(ids)}
with self.connect() as db:
cur = db.connection.cursor()
final_struct_ids = []
# Map the between final struct id and initial struct id
init_struct_ids = {}
for final_id, init_id in cur.fetchall():
if init_id in id_set:
init_struct_ids[final_id] = init_id
final_struct_ids = set(final_struct_ids)
sql = f"SELECT id, value FROM number_key_values WHERE key='{self.prop}'"
prop_values = np.zeros(len(final_struct_ids))
# Populate the property array
for final_id, prop_value in cur.fetchall():
if final_id in final_struct_ids:
init_id = init_struct_ids[final_id]
idx = init_struct_idx[init_id]
prop_values[idx] = prop_value
return prop_values
class FinalVolumeGetter(TargetGetter):
Class that extracts the final volume per atom of the relaxed structure
:param db_name: Name of the database
def name(self):
return "Volume (A^3)"
def get_property(self, ids: Sequence[int]) -> np.ndarray:
Extracts the final volume of the ids passed. In the returned array,
the first volume corresponds to the first item in ids, the second
volume corresponds to the second item in ids etc.
:param ids: Database IDs of initial structures
id_set = set(ids)
query = "SELECT value, id FROM number_key_values "
query += "WHERE key='final_struct_id'"
init_ids = {}
id_idx = {db_id: i for i, db_id in enumerate(ids)}
with self.connect() as db:
cur = db.connection.cursor()
final_struct_ids = []
# Extract the final struct id. Create a mapping between
# final structure ids and initial structure ids for later
# reference
for value, db_id in cur.fetchall():
final_id = int(value)
if db_id in id_set:
init_ids[final_id] = db_id
num_atoms = extract_num_atoms(cur, id_set)
final_struct_ids = set(final_struct_ids)
query = "SELECT id, volume FROM systems"
volumes = np.zeros(len(init_ids))
# Extract the volume of the final structure and normalize it by
# the number of atoms in the initial structure. The reason why
# the number of atoms in the initial structure needs to be used,
# is that vacancies are typically removed before the DFT run
# starts. Consequently, they are missing in the final structure
# and the number of atoms in that structure will be wrong
for db_id, vol in cur.fetchall():
if db_id in final_struct_ids:
init_id = init_ids[db_id]
idx = id_idx[init_id]
volumes[idx] = vol / num_atoms[init_id]
return volumes
class CorrFuncVolumeDataManager(DataManager):
CorrFuncVolumeDataManager is a convenience class provided
to handle the standard case where the features are correlation functions
and the target is the volume of the relaxed cell
:param db_name: Name of the database being passed
:param tab_name: Name of the table where the correlation functions are
:param cf_names: List with the correlation function names to extract.
If None, all correlation functions in the database will be extracted.
:param order: Order of the correlation functions. Default 1.
def __init__(
db_name: str,
tab_name: str,
cf_names: Optional[List[str]] = None,
order: int = 1,
) -> None:
self.tab_name = tab_name
self.cf_names = cf_names
self.order = order
def get_data(self, select_cond: List[tuple]) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
Return X and y, where X is the design matrix containing correlation
functions and y is the volume per atom.
select_cond: list
List with select conditions for the database
(e.g. [('converged', '=', True)])
return self._get_data_from_getters(
CorrelationFunctionGetter(self.db_name, self.tab_name, self.cf_names, order=self.order),
def extract_num_atoms(cur: sqlite3.Cursor, ids: Set[int]) -> Dict[int, int]:
Extract the number of atoms for all ids
:param cur: SQL-cursor object
:param ids: Set with IDs in the database.
sql = "SELECT id, natoms FROM systems"
num_atoms = {}
for db_id, natoms in cur.fetchall():
if db_id in ids:
num_atoms[db_id] = natoms
return num_atoms
class CorrelationFunctionGetterVolDepECI(DataManager):
Extracts correlation functions, multiplied with a power of the volume per
atom. The feature names are named according to the correlation function
names in the database, but a suffix of _Vd is appended. d is an integer
inticading the power. Thus, if the name is for example c2_d0000_0_00_V2,
it means that the column contains the correlation function c2_d0000_0_00,
multiplied by V^2, where V is the volume per atom.
:param db_name: Name of the database
:param tab_name: Name of the table where correlation functions are stored
:param cf_names: Name of the correlation functions that should be extracted
:param order: Each ECI will be a polynomial in the volume of the passed
order (default: 0)
:param properties: List of properties that should be used in fitting. Can
be energy, pressure, bulk_mod. (default: ['energy', 'pressure']).
The pressure is always assumed to be zero (e.g. the energies passed
are for relaxed structures.). All entries in the database are expected
to have an energy. The remaining properties (e.g. bulk_mod) is not
required for all structures. In class will pick up and the material
property for the structures where it is present.
:param cf_order: The energy is expanded up and (inluding) this order
in the correlation function. Default is 1.
def __init__(
db_name: str,
tab_name: str,
cf_names: List[str],
order: Optional[int] = 0,
properties: Tuple[str] = ("energy", "pressure"),
cf_order: int = 1,
) -> None:
self.tab_name = tab_name
self.order = order
self.cf_names = cf_names = properties
self.cf_order = cf_order
self._groups = []
def build(self, ids: List[int]) -> np.ndarray:
Construct the design matrix and the target value required to fit a
cluster expansion model to all material properties in
:param ids: List of ids to take into account
cf_getter = CorrelationFunctionGetter(
self.db_name, self.tab_name, self.cf_names, order=self.cf_order
cf = cf_getter.get_property(ids)
volume_getter = FinalVolumeGetter(self.db_name)
volumes = volume_getter.get_property(ids)
energy_getter = FinalStructEnergyGetter(self.db_name)
energies = energy_getter.get_property(ids)
target_values = [energies]
target_val_names = ["energy"]
cf_vol_dep = np.zeros((cf.shape[0], (self.order + 1) * cf.shape[1]))
counter = 0
self._feat_names = []
self._groups = list(range(cf_vol_dep.shape[0]))
# Construct the part of the design matrix that corresponds to
# energy fitting (e.g. if there are N energy calculations we construct
# the firxt N rows of the design matrix)
for col in range(cf.shape[1]):
for power in range(self.order + 1):
cf_vol_dep[:, counter] = cf[:, col] * volumes**power
counter += 1
self._feat_names.append(cf_getter.names[col] + f"_V{power}")
# Add pressure data. P = dE/dV = 0 (we assume relaxed structures)
if "pressure" in
pressure_cf = np.zeros_like(cf_vol_dep)
counter = 0
# Construct the part of the design matrix that corresponds to
# pressure fitting (e.g. if there are N energy calculations,
# we construct row N:2*N). Note that the pressure is assumed
# to be zero
for col in range(0, cf.shape[1]):
for p in range(self.order + 1):
pressure_cf[:, counter] = p * cf[:, col] * volumes ** (p - 1)
counter += 1
# Update the full design matrix and the target values
cf_vol_dep = np.vstack((cf_vol_dep, pressure_cf))
# All data points have a pressure, the groups just repeats
# themselves
self._groups += self._groups
id_row = {db_id: i for i, db_id in enumerate(ids)}
# Add bulk modulus data. B = V*d^2E/dV^2
if "bulk_mod" in
bulk_mod = self._extract_key(set(ids), "bulk_mod")
bulk_mod_rows = [id_row[key] for key in bulk_mod]
bulk_mod_cf = np.zeros((len(bulk_mod), cf_vol_dep.shape[1]))
counter = 0
vols = volumes[bulk_mod_rows]
# Extract the part of the design matrix that corresponds to fitting
# bulk moduli. If there are Nb calculations that has a bulk modulus
# we construct row 2*N:2*N+Nb
for col in range(0, cf.shape[1]):
for power in range(self.order + 1):
bulk_mod_cf[:, counter] = vols * cf[bulk_mod_rows, col]
bulk_mod_cf[:, counter] *= power * (power - 1) * vols ** (power - 2)
counter += 1
# Update the full design matrix as well as the target values
cf_vol_dep = np.vstack((cf_vol_dep, bulk_mod_cf))
self._groups += [self._groups[r] for r in bulk_mod_rows]
# Add the pressure derivative of the bulk modulus (dB/dP)
if "dBdP" in
dBdP = self._extract_key(set(ids), "dBdP")
dBdP_rows = [id_row[key] for key in dBdP]
dBdP_cf = np.zeros((len(dBdP), cf_vol_dep.shape[1]))
dBdP = np.array(list(dBdP.values()))
counter = 0
vols = volumes[dBdP_rows]
for col in range(cf.shape[1]):
for power in range(self.order + 1):
# Double derivative of the energy
dE2 = power * (power - 1) * cf[dBdP_rows, col] * vols ** (power - 2)
# Third derivative of the energy
dE3 = (
power * (power - 1) * (power - 2) * cf[dBdP_rows, col] * vols ** (power - 3)
dBdP_cf[:, counter] = (1.0 + dBdP) * dE2 + vols * dE3
counter += 1
# Update the full design matrix
cf_vol_dep = np.vstack((cf_vol_dep, dBdP_cf))
self._groups += [self._groups[r] for r in dBdP_rows]
# Assign the global design matrix to the attribute _X, the vector with
# all target values to _y and construct the name of the target_value by
# joining all subnames
self._X = cf_vol_dep
self._y = np.array([x for values in target_values for x in values])
self._target_name = "-".join(target_val_names)
def _extract_key(self, ids: Set[int], key: str) -> Dict[int, float]:
Extract a key from the database for the ids in the passed set that
has a bulk modlus entry. The function returns a dictionary where the
key is the ID in the database and the value is the extracted quantity
:param ids: Set of all ids that should be considered
:param key: Name of the key to be extracted
query = f"SELECT value, id FROM number_key_values WHERE key='{key}'"
id_key = {}
with connect(self.db_name) as db:
cur = db.connection.cursor()
for value, db_id in cur.fetchall():
# Extract only the ones that are present in the set of ids
if db_id in ids:
id_key[db_id] = value
return id_key
def get_data(self, select_cond: List[tuple]) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
Return the design matrix and the target values for the entries
corresponding to select_cond.
:param select_cond: ASE select condition. The design matrix and the
target vector will be extracted for rows matching the passed
ids = get_ids(select_cond, self.db_name)
return self._X, self._y
def groups(self) -> List[int]:
Return the group of each rows.
return self._groups
def make_corr_func_data_manager(
prop: str, db_name: str, tab_name: str, cf_names: Sequence[str], **kwargs
) -> DataManager:
"""Helper function for creating a correlation function data manager"""
if prop.lower() == "energy":
return CorrFuncEnergyDataManager(db_name, tab_name, cf_names, **kwargs)
# Assume it's a property data manager
return CorrFuncPropertyDataManager(prop, db_name, tab_name, cf_names, **kwargs)