Source code for clease.regression.bayesian_compressive_sensing

from itertools import product
import json
import logging
import time

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import brentq
from scipy.special import polygamma

from import invert_matrix

from .regression import LinearRegression

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__all__ = ("BayesianCompressiveSensing",)

[docs] class BayesianCompressiveSensing(LinearRegression): """ Fit a sparse CE model to data. Based on the method described in Babacan, S. Derin, Rafael Molina, and Aggelos K. Katsaggelos. "Bayesian compressive sensing using Laplace priors." IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 19.1 (2010): 53-63. Different values has different priors. 1. For the ECIs a normal distribution is assumed (the i-th eci is: eci_i -- N(J | 0, var_i)= 2. The inverce variance of each ECI is gamma distributed (i.e. 1/var_i -- gamma(x | 1, lambda/2)) 3. The lambda parameter above is also gamma distributed (i.e. lamb -- gamma(x | shape_lamb/2, shape_lamb/2)) 4. The noise parameter is uniformly distributed on the positive axis (i.e. noise -- uniform(x | 0, inf) Parameters: shape_var: float Shape parameter for the gamma distribution for the inverse variance (1/var -- gamma(x | shape_var/2, rate_var/2)) rate_var: float Rate parameter for the gamma distribution for the inverse variance (1/var -- gamma(x | shape_var/2, rate_var/2)) shape_lamb: float Shape parameter for gamma distribution for the lambda parameter (lambda -- gamma(x | 1, shape_lamb)) variance_opt_start: int Optimization of inverse variance starts after this amount of iterations lamb_opt_start: int Optimization of lambda and shape_lamb starts after this amount of iterations. If this number is set very high, lambda will be kept at zero, making the algorithm efficitively a Relvance Vector Machine (RVM) fname: str Backup file for parameters maxiter: int Maximum number of iterations output_rate_sec: int Interval in seconds between status messages select_strategy: str Strategy for selecting new correlation function for each iteration. If 'max_increase' it will select the basis function that leads to the largest increase in likelihood value. If 'random' correlation functions are selected at random noise: float Initial estimate of the noise in the data init_lamb: float Initial value for the lambda parameter penalty: float Penalization value added to the diagonal of matrice to avoid singular matrices """ def __init__( self, shape_var=0.5, rate_var=0.5, shape_lamb=0.5, lamb_opt_start=200, variance_opt_start=100, fname="bayes_compr_sens.json", maxiter=100000, output_rate_sec=2, select_strategy="max_increase", noise=0.1, init_lamb=0.0, penalty=1e-8, ): super().__init__() # Paramters self.shape_var = shape_var self.rate_var = rate_var self.shape_lamb = shape_lamb self.variance_opt_start = variance_opt_start self.maxiter = maxiter self.output_rate_sec = output_rate_sec self.select_strategy = select_strategy self.fname = fname self.noise = noise self.lamb_opt_start = lamb_opt_start self.penalty = penalty # Store a copy of all the key-word arguments # passed by the user self.user_supplied_args = { "shape_var": shape_var, "rate_var": rate_var, "shape_lamb": shape_lamb, "lamb_opt_start": lamb_opt_start, "variance_opt_start": variance_opt_start, "fname": fname, "maxiter": maxiter, "output_rate_sec": output_rate_sec, "select_strategy": select_strategy, "noise": noise, "init_lamb": init_lamb, "penalty": penalty, } # Arrays used during fitting self.X = None self.y = None self.gammas = None self.eci = None self.inv_variance = None self.lamb = init_lamb self.inverse_sigma = None self.eci = None # Quantities used for fast updates self.S = None self.Q = None = None self.qq = None def _initialize(self, reset=False): """ Initialize all parameters after X and y is given """ if reset: self.__dict__.update(self.user_supplied_args) num_features = self.X.shape[1] if reset or self.gammas is None: self.gammas = np.zeros(num_features) self.eci = np.zeros_like(self.gammas) if reset or self.inv_variance is None: self.inv_variance = 1.0 / self.noise**2 if reset or self.lamb is None: self.lamb = 0.0 self.inverse_sigma = np.zeros((num_features, num_features)) self.eci = np.zeros(num_features) if self.X is not None: # Quantities used for fast updates self.S = np.diag(self.inv_variance * self.Q = self.inv_variance * = self.S / (1.0 - self.gammas * self.S) self.qq = self.Q / (1.0 - self.gammas * self.S)
[docs] def precision_matrix(self, X): """ Return the precision matrix needed by the Evaluate class. Only contributions from the correlation functions with gamma > 0 are included. """ if not np.allclose(X, self.X): raise RuntimeError("Inconsistent design matrix given!") sel_indx = self.selected X_sel = self.X[:, sel_indx] N = len(sel_indx) prec = np.linalg.inv( + self.penalty * np.eye(N)) N = self.X.shape[1] full_prec = np.zeros((N, N)) indx = list(range(len(sel_indx))) for i in product(indx, indx): full_prec[sel_indx[i[0]], sel_indx[i[1]]] = prec[i[0], i[1]] return full_prec
[docs] def mu(self): """ Calculate the expectation value for the ECIs """ sel = self.selected return self.inv_variance *[:, sel]
[docs] def optimal_gamma(self, indx): """ Return the gamma value that maximize the likelihood Parameters: indx: int Index of the selected correlation function """ s =[indx] # Conda had divide by zero error if abs(s) < 1e-6: s = 1e-6 qsq = self.qq[indx] ** 2 if self.lamb < 1e-6: return (self.qq[indx] / s) ** 2 - 1.0 / s term1 = s + 2 * self.lamb delta = s**2 + 4 * self.lamb * qsq gamma = (np.sqrt(delta) - term1) / (2 * self.lamb * s) return gamma
[docs] def optimal_lamb(self): """Calculate the optimal value for the lambda parameter.""" N = self.X.shape[1] # Number of ECIs return 2 * (N - 1 + 0.5 * self.shape_lamb) / (np.sum(self.gammas) + self.shape_lamb)
[docs] def optimal_inv_variance(self): """Calculate the optimal value for the inverse variance""" N = self.X.shape[0] # Number of data points a = 1.0 b = 0.0 mse = np.sum((self.y - ** 2) return (0.5 * N + a) / (0.5 * mse + b)
[docs] def optimal_shape_lamb(self): """Calculate the optimal value for the shape paremeter for lambda.""" res = brentq(shape_parameter_equation, 1e-30, 1e100, args=(self.lamb,), maxiter=10000) return res
[docs] def update_quantities(self): """Update helper parameters needed for the next iteration.""" sel = self.selected X_sel = self.X[:, sel] prec = self.S = np.diag( self.inv_variance * - self.inv_variance**2 * ) self.Q = self.inv_variance * - self.inv_variance**2 * ) = self.S / (1.0 - self.gammas * self.S) self.qq = self.Q / (1.0 - self.gammas * self.S)
@property def selected(self): return np.argwhere(self.gammas > 0.0)[:, 0]
[docs] def update_sigma_mu(self): """Update sigma and mu.""" X_sel = self.X[:, self.selected] sigma = self.inv_variance * + np.diag(1.0 / self.gammas[self.selected]) self.inverse_sigma = invert_matrix(sigma) self.eci[self.selected] =
[docs] def get_basis_function_index(self, select_strategy) -> int: """Select a new correlation function.""" if select_strategy == "random": return np.random.randint(low=0, high=len(self.gammas)) if select_strategy == "max_increase": return self._get_bf_with_max_increase() raise ValueError(f"Unknown select strategy: {select_strategy}")
[docs] def log_likelihood_for_each_gamma(self, gammas): """Log likelihood value for all gammas. Arguments ========= gammas: np.ndarray Value for all the gammas """ denum = 1 + gammas * # quantities leading to a negativie denuminator should not # be possible (but because of iterative increment they occure) # once in a while. Set such numbers to a number close to zero. denum[denum <= 0.0] = 1e-10 return np.log(1 / denum) + self.qq**2 * gammas / denum - self.lamb * gammas
def _get_bf_with_max_increase(self): """Return the index of the correlation function that leads to the largest increase in likelihiood value.""" new_gammas = np.array([self.optimal_gamma(i) for i in range(len(self.gammas))]) if np.all(new_gammas < 0.0): rand_gam = np.random.randint(0, high=(len(self.gammas))) logger.warning( "Cannot determine which gamma to include. Trying random selection, gamma=%.3f ...", rand_gam, ) return rand_gam new_gammas[new_gammas < 0.0] = 0.0 current_likeli = self.log_likelihood_for_each_gamma(self.gammas) new_likeli = self.log_likelihood_for_each_gamma(new_gammas) diff = new_likeli - current_likeli return np.argmax(diff)
[docs] def rmse(self): """Return root mean square error.""" indx = self.selected pred = self.X[:, indx].dot(self.eci[indx]) return np.sqrt(np.mean((pred - self.y) ** 2))
@property def num_ecis(self): return np.count_nonzero(self.gammas)
[docs] def todict(self): """Convert all parameters to a dictionary.""" data = {} # Selection of vars we want to save vars_to_save = ( "inv_variance", "gammas", "shape_var", "rate_var", "shape_lamb", "lamb", "maxiter", "output_rate_sec", "select_strategy", "noise", "lamb_opt_start", ) for var in vars_to_save: val = getattr(self, var) if isinstance(val, np.ndarray): val = val.tolist() data[var] = val return data
[docs] def save(self): """Save the results from file.""" with open(self.fname, "w") as outfile: json.dump(self.todict(), outfile)"Backup data written to %s", self.fname)
@staticmethod def load(fname): bayes = BayesianCompressiveSensing() bayes.fname = fname with open(fname, "r") as infile: data = json.load(infile) for key, value in data.items(): if value is not None: setattr(bayes, key, value) return bayes def __eq__(self, other): """Compare to BayesianCompressiveSensing objects.""" equal = True # Required fields to be equal if two objects # should be considered equal items = [ "fname", "gammas", "inv_variance", "lamb", "shape_var", "rate_var", "shape_lamb", "lamb", "maxiter", "select_strategy", "output_rate_sec", "noise", "variance_opt_start", ] for k in items: v = self.__dict__[k] if isinstance(v, np.ndarray): equal = equal and np.allclose(v, other.__dict__[k]) elif isinstance(v, float): equal = equal and abs(v - other.__dict__[k]) < 1e-6 else: equal = equal and (v == other.__dict__[k]) return equal
[docs] def estimate_loocv(self): """Return an estimate of the LOOCV.""" X_sel = self.X[:, self.selected] e_pred = delta_e = e_pred - self.y N = X_sel.shape[1] prec = np.linalg.inv( + self.penalty * np.eye(N)) delta_cv = delta_e / (1 - np.diag( cv_sq = np.mean(delta_cv**2) return np.sqrt(cv_sq)
[docs] def fit(self, X, y): """Fit ECIs to the data Parameters: X: np.ndarray Design matrix (NxM: N number of datapoints, M number of correlation functions) y: np.ndarray Array of length N with the energies """ # XXX: Needs some cleaning allowed_strategies = ["random", "max_increase"] if self.select_strategy not in allowed_strategies: msg = f"select_strategy has to be one of {allowed_strategies}" raise ValueError(msg) self.X = X self.y = y self._initialize(reset=True) is_first = True iteration = 0 now = time.perf_counter() d_gamma = 1e100 while iteration < self.maxiter: if time.perf_counter() - now > self.output_rate_sec: msg = f"Iter: {iteration} " msg += f"RMSE: {1000.0*self.rmse():.3E} " msg += f"LOOCV (approx.): {1000.0*self.estimate_loocv():.3E} " msg += f"Num ECI: {self.num_ecis} " msg += f"Lamb: {self.lamb:.3E} " msg += f"Shape lamb: {self.shape_lamb:.3E} " msg += f"Noise: {np.sqrt(1.0/self.inv_variance):.3E}" now = time.perf_counter() iteration += 1 already_excluded = False if is_first: indx = np.argmax(self.qq**2 - is_first = False else: indx = self.get_basis_function_index(self.select_strategy) gamma = self.optimal_gamma(indx) d_gamma = 0.0 if gamma > 0.0: d_gamma = gamma - self.gammas[indx] self.gammas[indx] = gamma else: gamma = self.gammas[indx] if abs(gamma) < 1e-6: already_excluded = True self.gammas[indx] = 0.0 self.eci[indx] = 0.0 if already_excluded: continue self.update_sigma_mu() self.update_quantities() if iteration > self.lamb_opt_start: self.lamb = self.optimal_lamb() self.shape_lamb = self.optimal_shape_lamb() if iteration > self.variance_opt_start: self.inv_variance = self.optimal_inv_variance() if abs(d_gamma) < 1e-8: break # Save backup for future restart if self.fname: return self.eci
[docs] def show_shape_parameter(self): """Show a plot of the transient equation for the optimal shape parameter for lambda.""" x = np.logspace(-10, 10) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) ax.plot(x, shape_parameter_equation(x, self.lamb)) ax.axhline(0, ls="--") ax.set_xscale("log")
@property def weight_matrix(self): return LinearRegression.weight_matrix(self)
def shape_parameter_equation(x, lamb): return np.log(x / 2.0) + 1 - polygamma(0, x / 2) + np.log(lamb) - lamb