Source code for clease.montecarlo.observers.multi_state_sgc_observer

from typing import Dict, List, Tuple

from ase.units import kB
import numpy as np

from clease.calculator import Clease

from .mc_observer import MCObserver

[docs] class SGCState: """ Represent a thermodynamic state in the semi-grand-canonical ensemble. :param temp: Temperature in kelvin :param chem_pot: Chemical potentials of the form {c1_0: -0.2, c1_1: 0.3}. The function `` is useful to convert chemical potentials given for each species to chemical potentials for each singlet. """ def __init__(self, temp: float, chem_pot: Dict[str, float]): self.temp = temp self.chem_pot = chem_pot self.singlets = {k: 0.0 for k in self.chem_pot.keys()} self.avg_weight = 0.0 def reset(self): self.singlets = {k: 0.0 for k in self.chem_pot.keys()} self.avg_weight = 0.0 @property def prefix(self) -> str: """ Construct a prefix based on the chemical potentials and the temperature """ prefix = f"{int(self.temp)}K_" prefix += "_".join( f"{k}{sign_indicator(v)}{int(1000.0*abs(v))}" for k, v in self.chem_pot.items() ) return prefix
def sign_indicator(v: float) -> str: """ Return minus if v is negative and plus if v is positive """ if v < 0.0: return "minus" return "plus"
[docs] class MultiStateSGCConcObserver(MCObserver): r""" Observer that tracks the concentration at severl different temperatures and/or chemical potentials. The observer utilizes the following results. Let :math:`A` be an observable, :math:`\beta=\frac{1}{kT}`, :math:`\mu` the chemical potential and :math:`n` the number of atoms of one of the species in a binary alloy. The average value of the observable is given by .. math:: \langle A \rangle = \frac{\sum_{conf} A \exp{(\beta\mu n - \beta E)}}{Z(\beta, \mu)} where :math:`Z` is the partition function. At a different chemical potential :math:`\mu` and inverse temperature :math:`\beta'`, .. math:: \langle A'\rangle' = \frac{\sum_{conf} A \exp{(\beta'\mu'n-\beta' E)}}{Z(\beta', \mu')} After some algabraic manipulation one arrives at .. math:: \langle A'\rangle' = \frac{\langle A \exp{((\beta'\mu' - \beta\mu)n - (\beta-\beta') E)\rangle}} {\langle \exp{((\beta'\mu' - \beta\mu)n - (\beta-\beta') E)\rangle}} where the averages should be taken at inverse temperature :math:`\beta` and chemical potential :math:`\mu`. It should be noted that the predicted value will not be accurate if :math:`\mu'` or :math:`\beta'` is very different from the reference values :math:`\mu` and :math:`\beta`. :param ref_state: Reference state :param thermo_states: List of SGCStates where the concentration should be tracked :param calc: Reference to the calculator attached to the atoms object used in the Monte Carlo simulation """ name = "multi_state_sgc_conc_observer" def __init__(self, ref_state: SGCState, thermo_states: List[SGCState], calc: Clease): super().__init__() self.thermo_states = thermo_states self.calc = calc self.ref_state = ref_state
[docs] def reset(self) -> None: """ Resets the observers to its initial state """ for state in self.thermo_states: state.reset()
def __call__(self, system_changes: List[Tuple[int, str, str]]): """ Observers are called after system update, thus the calcualtor already reflects the changes. system_changes is therefore not used. """ beta1 = 1.0 / (kB * self.ref_state.temp) for state in self.thermo_states: cf = self.calc.get_cf() beta2 = 1.0 / (kB * state.temp) betadE = sum( (beta2 * state.chem_pot[k] - beta1 * self.ref_state.chem_pot[k]) * cf[k] for k in state.chem_pot.keys() ) E = weight = np.exp((beta1 - beta2) * E + betadE) for k in state.chem_pot.keys(): state.singlets[k] += weight * cf[k] state.avg_weight += weight
[docs] def get_averages(self) -> Dict[str, float]: """ Return a dictionary with the calculated averages """ averages = {} for state in self.thermo_states: for k, v in state.singlets.items(): name = state.prefix + f"_singlet_{k}" averages[name] = v / state.avg_weight return averages